Tag: range

  • Trick for Listing the names of all sheets in Excel workbook

    Trick for Listing the names of all sheets in Excel workbook

    Here is a 2 step technique to retrieve the names of all sheets in Excel workbook: Step:1. First define a named range using the below formula: Step: 1a. Click “Define Name” command in “Define Names” group under “Formulas” ribbon tab to invoke “New Name” dialogue Step: 1b. Let the name…

  • Mastering LOOKUPs in Excel learning Series

    Here I thought of compiling a learning series covering the basics to classics of Excel Lookup functionality. So I have divided them into parts organized in some logically organized fashion. However, you are free to access and learn them in any order. Part 1: Introduction to VLOOKUP Part 2: VLOOKUP:…

  • Introduction to VLOOKUP in MS Excel

    Hi friends… one of the important features of Excel which every user of Excel is expected to be aware of, is VLOOKUP function. Here I take you through the nuts and bolts of VLOOKUP: What does VLOOKUP do ? VLOOKUP function looks up (searches)  a value in one column and…